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The Journey to Casey: Part One

The Journey to Casey: Part One

Welcoming a child into the world is an extraordinary experience, but when that journey is paved with challenges, every step holds a unique significance. The story of our son Casey's arrival on September 27, 2023, is one of resilience, hope, and the unyielding spirit to overcome the odds.

For over a year, our lives were entangled in the intricate web of fertility treatments. Three live IVF rounds, a frozen test round, and yet another frozen cycle had all ended in disappointment. The emotional rollercoaster was real. Meanwhile, life continued its relentless pace. We juggled living in an apartment with our energetic two-year-old, working tirelessly, and managing a house remodel — all the while trying to keep our optimism afloat.

At times, it felt as though surrendering was the only option. Yet, a flicker of hope persisted. My first pregnancy, after a laparoscopic surgery following a live round of IVF, served as a reminder that miracles were possible. I felt an inner conviction urging me to undergo surgery once more, speculating whether endometriosis or some other unseen issue was hindering our journey.

In November, I underwent another surgery. The revelations were bittersweet; one of my ovaries was trapped behind my uterus, and the scarring had returned. Despite this, there was newfound clarity. With my husband standing steadfast by my side, we decided it was time for one more try. We took December to recuperate and began a new round of treatment in January.

This time, the outcome was different. With my ovary repositioned, I produced 21 follicles, a marked improvement from the 10-12 of previous attempts. Transfer day held an electric sense of possibility, and we were thrilled to successfully freeze three embryos, a milestone we'd only reached once before. We made a pact; this would be our final attempt.

As the days crawled by before the scheduled blood work, I experienced light bleeding. Panic shadowed the flicker of hope; could this be a positive sign? The day finally arrived, and the news was life-changing: I was pregnant.

Joy enveloped us. Having just celebrated my 39th birthday, I was thrilled at the prospect of welcoming a second child before turning 40. For reasons perhaps only understood by those who have walked this path, reaching this milestone held deep personal significance. We had married in our 30s and started trying at 34, never expecting it would take six more years to grow our family. The gratitude I felt was immeasurable.

Yet, the journey was precarious. Initial blood work indicated low levels, a potential threat to the pregnancy. The elation transformed into a tumultuous mixture of hope and anxiety. A week later, during our first scan, our fears were tempered by seeing the embryo had implanted. The challenge now was nourishing and nurturing its growth.

Despite having endured a miscarriage in the past, each scan, each appointment brought forth memories intertwined with both hope and fear. For anyone walking a similar path, you know how delicate the balance between anticipation and anxiety can be. Maintaining a positive outlook while navigating one of life's monumental moments requires an emotional fortitude that is, truly, a feat in itself.

This chapter in our lives has taught us the depths of patience and gratitude, and as we stood at the precipice of welcoming Casey, we learned to embrace every emotion, every triumph, and every trial along the way. More than anything, this journey has reinforced that we are incredibly lucky and endlessly thankful for the impending arrival of our boy Casey.